Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nargis & Ella | Maternity | Lindsay Wildlife Museum

My next post is a maternity session that was so much fun. This was my very first maternity session, not too bad if I say so myself. It helps that I had a little help from the cutest big sister ever! Thanks Big Sister Ella! We went to the Lindsey Wildlife Museum in Walnut Creek and found a cute and cozy tucked away corner that worked perfectly. I am happy to announce that Ella now has a beautiful healthy little sister named Sienna. I am hoping to post a few baby photos soon. Keep a look out!! Check out our session here Nargia & Ella Maternity Session.

Monday, June 7, 2010

New Blog comes NEW Goals

Thank you so much for reading my blog. I created this blog as a way to promote my new ambition as a photographer. While creating the blog I decided to set myself a new goal. I have decided that every week (beginning within the next few weeks) I will re-create an image that I admire. I will put my own twist on it, but the feeling and meaning of the image should remain the same. Every Friday I will post the original image along with my image as well. I will do this for 12 weeks!! This will be a challenge, but what a better way to learn and have fun at the same time then a challenge? Wish me luck!!!

BTW, please feel free to recommend images and ideas...